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My History

Vision, Innovation & Big Dreams


Kike Fajardo

A story of great dreams.

He was born on 28th July 1976 in Quito, Ecuador. Known as a Graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, caricaturist, marketer, studied graphic design at the “Latinomericano de Diseño” Intitute in Quito. In 1998 begins his carreer with a photography internship in “Diario el Comercio” one of the main newspapers in the country. By the year 1999 he completed his thesis degree which consisted of representing the 10 main presidents of the republic of Ecuador in caricature applying varied techniques as: oil, charcoal, sepia, pencil of color and acrylic. (Vicente Rocafuerte, Eloy Alfaro, Gabriel García Moreno, Antonio Flores Jijón, Velazco Ibarra, Jaime Roldos Aguilera, Galo Plaza Lasso, León Febres Cordero, Sixto Durán Ballén, Abdalá Bucaram Ortiz)


In the 2000 he makes artwork for the "La familia" magazine, property of the newspaper quoted previously as a freelance illustrator.

In 2001 he started working for the capital newspaper “El Hoy”, which publishes several cartoons of great characters such as Bill Gates, John Pierpont Morgan, Alan Greespan among others. Later on this year his career was going to take a new course, he became part of the fashion design department of the prestigious retail store Marathon Sports as a graphic designer. Soon he developed a collection of prints for the American brand NEW BALANCE, designs that travelled around the world in the main Retail stores.

As Ecuador qualified for its first world cup Korea Japan 2002, he was in charge of the design of the goal keeper jersey that would use Jose Francisco Cevallos in the world cup. By this year he becomes part of Marathon Sports's marketing team, creating the in-house creative department and being part of Marathon Sports's entry to the Hall of Fame.


In 2004 he studied 3D design at the “Aula Temática” digital school in Madrid - Spain.
In 2006, the year in which Ecuador ranks its second world cup in Germany, he was responsible of designing the tournaments jersey, on the other hand, in that same year he finished a degree on Strategic Marketing Management at Tec de Monterrey.
On 2007 He was the responsible for the relationship with “Atletico Nacional” of Medellín sponsored by the English brand UMBRO, which achieves the two time champion. 

2008 was an incredible year for the Ecuadorian sport, on May the 1st Iván Vallejo crowned the Dhaulagiri summit culminating this way the Challenge 14, which consisted of crowning the 14 mountains that suppressed the 8000 meters without the use of Oxygen, on Wednesday, July 2 Liga de Quito obtains the desired Copa Libertadores of America with an spectacular performance on the penalty shoot-out by the goalkeeper Jose Francisco Cevallos, Jefferson Perez gets his second Olympic medal in Beijing in August of the same year, in recognition of his huge achievements for the Ecuadorian sport, Kikesawer decides to immortalize them in caricature. This illustration became the Marathon Sports Christmas campaign for that year.


In 2009 he studied at the Institute for Sport Studies Johan Cruyff and is part of the project MINAF (International Master in Business and Administration of Soccer) 

On 2010 he leaded the E-business project www.marathon-sports.com 

In 2011 he joined the English brand Umbro in Panama as a marketing manager for Central America, the Caribbean and Ecuador.

March, 2016 founds O2 Design, Marketing, Advertising & Communications www.o2mkt.com the beginning of new adventures and opportunities.

